There I was again, going through a sudden attack of extreme emotional sadness. I could be extremely happy one minute, and then extremely sad the next, without warning. Nothing would even have to happen for the emotional shift to occur. So, I couldn’t help but to ask God what was wrong with me and why I kept having emotional struggles. I started asking long hard questions because I was tired of the repeated cycle. I was genuinely ready to get off of the merry go round.
My phone chimed to inform me that a live Periscope broadcast was occurring. The broadcast just so happened to be about healing from strongholds and curses. There were various scriptures given. I decided to add them to my list of affirmations, which I speak over my life. Among those scriptures, the broadcaster recommended Isaiah 53:5. Ironically, I’d just studied this scripture as I sat at my computer. Then, for whatever reason, I decided to open the Bible App on my phone. Guess what the day’s recommended scripture was? Of course, it was Isaiah 53:5! In addition, the day prior, I received an email with the scripture Philippians 3:13 stating, “This one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and pressing forward to what lies ahead.” Then, I realized that during the previous few days, there were various signs regarding breaking free and being healed from the past and curses. Signs and wonders were definitely around me, so I knew miracles were occurring too.
It’s crazy how I awakened that day feeling like I wasn’t moving forward and making much progress. Ironically, I kept seeing messages on Instagram, various memes, and captions stating that speed doesn’t matter as long as I keep moving forward. I wasn’t even on Instagram long enough to see the number of memes and captions, I kept seeing, that were all talking about this. Seeing so many of those posts really helped because I’d been feeling like nothing progressive was happening. As far as forward movement in my (mostly writing) life was concerned, I was either stagnant or moving extremely slowly. Yet, I was two chronicles from finishing the book that you’re reading, working on other literary projects, plus having a full-time job.
Sometimes, we need to stop, recognize, and appreciate our own efforts and progress, even if there’s very little of it. In retrospect, I can see where I was making progress but I just wasn’t where I wanted to be. Moreover, my focus was too far ahead, rather than being where it needed to be, which is where I was. I was also second-guessing myself about writing, even though it’s something I’ve done effortlessly since childhood. For some reason, I had moments of thinking the reason for things moving so slowly was that perhaps, I wasn’t doing the right thing. Perhaps, writing just wasn’t my forte. I’m sure you can agree with me on just how flawed my thinking was when my focus was off. Our focus is a lot more accurate when we choose to zoom in on the signs, miracles, and wonders that God places right within clear view.
Talk to God: He talks back!
This article is from my book, 70 Ways To Hear God, which can be purchased at any retailer.
I pray this blessed you.
Wishing you lots of love,