Hello My Friend!
I know I've been missing for a while and have even been in and out. As some of you know, I've undergone some major transitions.
#1. I left Atlanta, GA in 2019 and moved back to my home city, Jacksonville, FL.
#2. Months later, I got married. We eloped and went to Gatlinburg, TN. I absolutely loved it!
Relocating was one thing... moving into a new place was another... getting married was another deal... reconnecting with old friends and family I hadn't seen in years was an extra deal...
#3. Then! I registered and started attending school to become a licensed real estate agent in FL.
WHEW! It's just been one thing after another... and I still have more upcoming events...
Now, I'm working on an upcoming book, "Sandpaper: For When Life Rubs You The Wrong Way." There are 4 subjects I touch on regarding the rough side of life and how to smooth things out. I expound and then... also list the steps in outline form. The book also includes poetry and inspirational quotes. ANOTHER WHEW!
Plus, I'm in the process of interviewing various real estate brokerages now.
#4. ....And also... my husband and I launched a transportation company recently...
#5 ... A L S O... Will be launching ANOTHER business later this year. Stay tuned. TBA! :)
And if you don't know... We have a teenage son together (so parenthood is mixed in with all of us and getting our family re-acclimated after being apart for years)!
I apologize for being absent but I promise I haven't meant to neglect you all.
Nevertheless, I'm back and organizing all of my various roles, tasks, goals, etc. I hope you forgive me for my absence. Reply to this blog/email to let me know you do and tell me what you've been up to.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Wishing you lots of love,